So this week has been a bit slow painting wise due to the dreaded man-flu that I picked up on Tuesday. I have however now finished my Khorne Daemon army by painting this Soul Grinder. The Khorne Daemons have only been painting to a tabletop standard as they have been part of my Freebootaz motivational challeneges each month so I didn't have enough time work on them as I would have liked, however as far as tabletop standards go I am really happy with these. I will most likely give the gold areas a wash at somepoint.
Also on my desk this week was my Crimson Fist Vindicator. He's seen so many battles recently but not seen a paintbrush so I thought I would treat him to a paint job. Again this paintjob is nothing special. The yellow and black stripes were done using masking tape and a few edges of yellow will need to be cleaned up. The metal areas are just boltgun metal with a black wash. The whole tank was painted with a mix of Necron Abyss and Black and highlighted with Ultramarines Blue.