I've always liked this Chaos Lord model since GW released it many years ago. I can still remember when it first came out and there were several different awesome looking painted versions in White Dwarf. I used to own this model years ago but sold it along with most of my old Chaos army from 3rd Edition. Now that I'm back collecting chaos again I knew I had to buy him again so I soon went to eBay and picked up a nice unpainted metal version for cheap. He's not available in finecast as I write this and to be honest I doubt he ever will be.
Onto the model itself. I painting him in my armies colours, which as you can see they are Black Legion. I've tried to use NMM here on the gold and silver. I'm still learning this very tricky technique but I find on small amounts of metal such as on this model you can just about get away with not being very good. It's hard to see from this image but there is quite a bit of battle damage on the marine helmets and little bits and pieces on the chaos lord too. This was done by painting the battle damaged areas silver before they have the basecoat then carefully scraping away the paint from the base coat where you want the damage to be.