Wednesday 20 October 2010

Slaaneshi Daemon Prince is Complete!

He's taken just under a week to paint (I've painted very little else in this time). I'm sure on total of hours but I would guess around 10 hours which isn't too bad.

As you can see I've had a poor attempt at NMM gold on his trim. I've been studying NMM a lot recently and I'm finding the whole light sourcing difficult to grasp and my application of the colours needs some work. I'm only really happy with the gold around his crotch. Maybe one day when I really grasp it I will come back to is and make it look a lot better.

I decided to add turquoise as an additional colour to make certain areas stand out more such as the demonic face on his right hand. Bright colours such as pinks, purples and turqiouse really scream Slaanesh for me and I've made sure all are used in this model and the black areas really contrast well and will match the black armour of the Noise Marines (whcih I will make one day in the future).


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